Wow! is all I can say. The time and effort, the wealth of knowledge, skill and inventive creative techniques that everyone put into this project is truely amazing and a beautiful Treasure!
When I knew the pages were on their way, I tried to come up with a way to put them together in book form. I made a left/right/doors type of hard covers that I could use my new Zutter Binder machine....
Two stacks of 60 was just NOT going to work. So today I made the same style book with 4 stacks of thirty pages that worked perfectly. All I need to do is figure out a creative closure for the front and I will be all done, then I will have a nifty way to store this wonderful FAT BOOK!!
love your design of your book - much more clever than mine - I too was in the swap - wasn't it great?! you can see what I did on my blog - also used the Bind-it-all - can't wait to try some of these - hugs - Reva (Los Angeles)
oops! forgot to leave you my blog address :)
Reva (Los Angeles
Great job...that is perfect. I love how you did the book.
I love your blog Connie and you've been tagged!
Fantastic idea, love what you have done with your fat book pages. Might try and do something similar with mine.
Very cool book... I'm a bit jealous!
♥ visit me at ♥
I just got a zutter myself. This is very similar to what I have in mind. Once I learn how to properly use the zutter (finally got it yesterday evening)! Your book is lovely!
WOW!!! Very creative I have a BIA as well and will use that for my pages I hope you believe imitation is the greatest form of flattery!!! LOL...Your book is GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing!! Willow
O M G!!!
That is amazing : )) I missed out on the swap but I've been wondering what 120 pages look like LOL
I just love this. I, too, was in the swap and so far have put them in an 8 x 8 scrapbook, four of them back to back per page. The only thing is they slide around a bit and you have to take them out to see the instructions.
I would love to do what you've done. Can you tell me what size rings you used. I have a BIA, but haven't used it much. I would love to try this.
I LOVE what you did to your FAT BOOK, Connie! That was SO clever and artistic of you to bind it that way!!! It looks GREAT!!!
Vicki, I only had the 1", but 1-1/2" would be Perfect. It takes a bit of sort 4 even piles (not exactly 30 in each)and to place the right hand side with pages that could be punched without messing up the instructions on the back. And then in BIA Zutter can't flip the back cover to the front, so you reverse everything so that the connection is still made on the back. Now I need to figure out a cool way to close it up...maybe something rusty or grungeboard???
I do thank you ALL so much for your comments and taking the time to do so!
O my~ your book looks fabulous! What a wonderful swap this must have been.
Wow, lucky girl and what a wonderful swap for the group. You did a great job of pulling it all together into one unit!! Cleaver girl!!
Thanks for stopping by!
what an amazing result
very clever
very clever
Wow Connie - that is certainly something to be treasured! Amazing project!
Linda x
(Thanks for your comment about my woodblock.)
Your book is really amazing!
What a wonderfull fat book you have.
For a nice closure: they have very nice clasps at the zutter department. Maybe you need two.
Hi Connie
Can you email me your address, I've got that prize all ready for you.
pamwardenartatgmaildotcom (I spell it out so that computer crawlers can't find the email. I apologize for the delay. Don't really know what happened. But my memory is rotten and I've got my server's email that junks stuff. So your email probably bit the dust thanks to my server.
Thanks so much,
I got your address :) I'll get that out to you on Mon. I asked the others and they had all received theirs so you were the one that got lost along the way. I don't think I ever did get your address til now. I'm so glad you enjoy my artwork, and I've got a note that you'd like, Coffee NOW!
Thanks again and love your blog.
What an amazing project. You have something to cherish.
That is just way too cool!
This had to be a wonderful swap... but to make 120 of them ... ugh.... but love that you now have 120 techniques to refer to!!! Like how you creatively bound them!
that is awesome WOW.
What a fun book to own!
mmmmmmmm.... is that a ZUTTER binder you used there? I am hoping santa will bring me one..
So much yummy goodness in one place! Way to go!
Hi Connie,
Just wanted to let you know you inspired me and below is a link to what I achieved from your inspiration. Thanks
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