I wanted to share some of the goals I'm challenging myself for 2009.
I am TRYING to move myself beyond my comfort zone in my artwork and seeking to try things I have never tried before. I want to use techniques I have not yet tried, stay with a process long enough to enjoy it, use what I have before buying new and lose the inner urge to always think practical...as in, does this have a useful purpose or is it worthy to hang on the wall?
And another thing... I want to be a finisher. I am so guilty of getting into the process and then when it comes to finishing off the piece, I fall short in the creative freedom to embellish or adding the final details or whimsy that makes the project complete...drives me nuts!
I'd love to hear what you folks have in mind for strengthening your artistic selves for 2009.

CLICK HERE to take the quiz to see if you were paying attention in 2008!
Here's wishing you all a very Healthy, Happy and Artful New Year!
Just popping in to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I look forward to seeing what new art comes from you in 2009!!!! Reach for the stars!!!
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