Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tim Holtz 12 Days Surprise!!

I just had to share....I'm a Winner!!
You all know I'm a big fan, been blogging about his 12 Days, heck my grandsons even know who Tim Holtz is!! After school yesterday, James wanted to see the new technique and we were reading down the red highlighted list of prizes and he read them like the Rudolf reindeers list. It was so cute and we were having a good time writing the modified lyrics for our comment to Tim. Low and behold when I went to see Day4....he had us listed first for the prize!! Can you tell I am excited!! A day early for my birthday, but what a surprise!!
Can't wait for James to get home!!


Nancy B said...

Oh you lucky girl! I am doing the happy dance for you. What exciting news. All those 12 days of Christmas gifts and this too! What a wonderful Christmas you are having already!

Mary S. Hunt said...

well congratulations girl!
nothing like being a big fan and winning!!!

Linda said...

Congratulations on winning you lucky girl.

And if I don't make it by here tomorrow....Happy Birthday!!

Linda Manning Findley said...

Wonderful news and know it's going to be great to have one of his pieces all your very own ..... Linda F

Jennifer Williams said...

Hey chickie! You've just been given a blog award. Hop on over to my blog for details!

Mescrap said...

Whoa ! Congratulation !
It's such a beautiful day.

Anne said...

Congratulations! Wooo-hooo! :-)

paru's_circle said...

congrats on winning!!