Well, I'm Back! I feel so bad about slacking on the blogging because I enjoy it so much...and I miss my friends. Things have been crazy-busy here at the ranch and with the other regular summer stuff, my artroom has seen little action. We haven't been getting the usual HEAT that limits my outside activities...so outside I have been. We are in the middle of haying season and the wheat is turning.

Cows are out to pasture....and the garden & yard look great! I'll share some pictures in a few days. I need to tell you about some Friends......

I received a wonderful package in the mail from Linda Manning Findley. The girls from An AFFAIR With ART had their Art Retreat down in Texas and the theme was 'Girlfriends' and it was so sweet of her to send me the wand. Just LOOK at all the detail and I bet it weighs 5lbs! It has all the girly girlfriend trinkets and gizmos...so funny!!

Another treat that Linda added to the package was one of her Tag Books...so cool and wonderful in Detail, just love it! ....and some TimHoltz Sprockets and some 7Gypsies gaffer tape...cool stuff!!! Thankyou so much Linda!!!

Another few surprizes...
I got a wonderful phone call from Jeri Aarons from TX...had a nice visit and it was a real treat to hear her sweet Texan accent. Neat to put a voice to an online friend!
And then yesterday, out of the blue...a Christmas Carol via phone from the S.Carolina branch of AAWA who were at Claudia's having a Art day, theme, Christmas in July! What a surprise... and it sure sounded like they were having a super fun time!!(wish I coulda been there...they do sound pretty good too!)
And today...Anne of
GaalCreative sent me the The Circle of Friends Blog Award. She is celebrating her blog Anniversary and has been a wonderful blog friend to me. (if you have read this post this far, please pick up the Friend Button and add it to your blog and consider yourself tagged)
So you see....it is all about FRIENDS! The past few days has been an omen or maybe just a great reminder to me of how special out online friends are and that no matter how busy life becomes and how long you have been away from the hum of the internet...
Online Friends are Special and the relationships are REAL!!