This morning I decided I was late enough sending Melissa at Lazy Day Creations a "bird" creation for her Design Team Gallery.
So I got this Urge to do something using my handemade nests. Just as I started out, a bird hit my studio window. Then there was little pitter-pattering on the deck just outside my door. Weird....I never have birds on this side of the house, but what was going on was a grasshopper fest. Yeah!!! Natural insecticide!!
Then a show came on about the was about the architecs, the design and the construction of the stadium in Beijing. The nickname for one of a kind stadium is THE BIRD NEST!!
So I guess it was my muse, a weird omen or just a big coeinky-dink, but I finished them and wanted to share them before I put them on Etsy.
Here's a neat picture. I know in a few weeks this will be old news and some will be sick of all the coverage...but I can't wait!

The Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing is a work of ART!! It is hailed as the finest arena in the world and the centrepiece of the most expensive Olympics in history and it is full of hidden symbolism.
It's architects also claim it is one of the most environmentally-friendly stadiums in the world, as undersoil geothermal pipes help heat indoor parts of stadium in winter and rainwater is collected and stored in underground cisterns for irrigation and to flush lavatories and the solar features
These collages are just divine!!! I would adore these in my home. you sell???
The stadium is awsome. So creative...what engineering!
The bird nest is so much beautiful !
I'm enjoying the grand opening of Beijing 080808 Olympic now :)
Love your Birds Nests and the photo of Beijong is superb. Enjoying the Olympics at the moment but who knows at Day 12 !!!
I have left a comment on your last Soul Journal posting as well ...
Hi Connie,
I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I hope it's OK that I've added a link to your blog from mine.
I also wanted to tell you how much I loved the birds nest. I have a thing for birds and these are very nice.
Love your bird pieces! Nice, calming colors too.
Your bird's nest is beautiful !
Rini- the Netherlands
hey, the procrastinating paid off--your nest is lovely!
I haven't been watching much of the Olympics, although my family has had it on and I've caught a bit of it. I was wondering about that stadium and now you've answered my question about it's design. Very cool.
Your little squared bird nests are very sweet too
These are lovely Connie!
Hi Connie
Thank you for your comments on my blog! Your birds nests are beautiful, I love the colours and texture, just my kind of thing!
I love your bird nest canvases ... so soft and wonderful ...... Linda F
Hello! Your BIRDS are beautiful!!!! Missy
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